Bethel Public School District demonstrates a quick transition to a distance learning and hybrid schooling model.
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, online and hybrid classes are now a requirement of pedagogy. Fortunately, the Bethel Public School district was further along in the transition than most schools.
The DEVOS streaming system, that stored and delivered their weekly school video news program to classrooms, was already streaming to students and parents at home.
When BPS switched to remote education, teachers and students could still access the huge library of video lessons and curated content.
Board of Education meetings, already being recorded and available for on-demand viewing, easily became virtual meeting rooms.
Key events like graduations, school concerts, and open houses that were being live streamed were coordinated on-line and still accessible from anywhere.

- Located in Western Connecticut
- Made up of one high school, one middle school, and three elementary schools
- District schools connected through a highspeed fiber-based network
- Serves approximately 3200 students and 300 teachers and support staff
With just a few clicks from her remote location, the media technology specialist uploaded programming requested by school staff for individual curriculum. Guest readings for the elementary students were posted, with channels for picture books and chapter books. The middle school science classes watched live chick hatchings.
Private and secure video conferencing with chat and polling engaged students and teachers in a familiar platform. They streamed and recorded lessons and homework directly from their webcams. Teachers could include in-line presentations, just like in the classroom.
They used the existing streaming network that connected the schools and their community for a live events. Family and friends of the high school graduates enjoyed the stream of graduation as a drive-in movie experience, in their cars and on-line.
When students returned to school their streaming content system continued as before; the same distance learning platform resumed streaming live video morning announcements, live and virtual events, video-on-demand classes, and Priority Alerts.
To accommodate social distancing, the system sent streams and video connections to other classrooms, to students at home, and to digital signage.
Bethel Public School’s hybrid teaching experience is the perfect example of the need for education keep pace with technology and the demands of its users. When an emergency hit, their foresight and the agility of their content let them continue to serve their students and staff with minimal interruption.
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K-12 Streaming Solutions
K-12 Streaming Video System | DEVOS | Video School News Kit | Enterprise IPTV | Video On Demand | LearningPath | Digital Signage | Priority Alert
About Discover Video, LLC
DiscoverVideo provides scalable streaming video for institutions and businesses looking for easy and economical solutions, while maintaining HD quality. Our products and service empower the non-technical users of schools and organizations of every size to produce professional live stream broadcasts. Our end-to-end system for live streaming, video conferencing, and VoD content, make digital media management easy and accessible. Systems can also include unlimited digital signage, distribution of content in-house and remotely via private IPTV, and send emergency video and text messaging.