DiscoverVideo Announces Translation Capability for Closed Captioning
July 5, Wallingford CT — DiscoverVideo announces the capability of the DEVOS Enterprise Video System to support closed captions in multiple languages. When alternate language captions are added, the viewer may select the desired closed caption language.
Uploaded Video Text Tracks of (VTT files) in English, Spanish, French, German, or Arabic are available to the viewer in playback.

Closed captioning benefits more than the hearing impaired. This new feature allows viewing content in native languages, promotes learning of multiple languages, is helpful in noisy and quiet environments, and can make non-native content understandable.
The DEVOS platform is designed to distribute live video streams, function as a video on demand server, deliver unlimited digital signage, and send priority video alerts throughout buildings and across communities.
“DEVOS is being used in thousands of K12 schools, state and local government, and in corporations”, said DiscoverVideo CEO, Rich Mavrogeanes. “Scheduled and centralized IP control of Epson projectors, as well as TVs and other devices, saves energy and makes the technology director’s job much easier.”
K-12 Streaming Solutions
K-12 Streaming Video System | DEVOS | Video School News Kit | Enterprise IPTV | Video On Demand | LearningPath | Digital Signage | Priority Alert
About Discover Video, LLC
DiscoverVideo is a leading software, hardware, and services provider that empowers customers with the ability to broadcast and deliver live and on-demand video, presentations, and digital signage to employees, students, or the general public. We focus on the enterprise where network citizenship and security are crucial. We support all five screens and we provide a complete ecosystem. Our customers include educational institutions, schools, corporations, and local, state, and federal governments.