Streaming Video System Helps Expedite Justice Across Kentucky
The Kentucky Court System challenges the flexibility and power of the DiscoverVideo enterprise video content management ecosystem to stream and record in the name of justice.
December 28, 2020, Wallingford CT — DiscoverVideo showcases the application of its streaming enterprise content management system DEVOS to help the KAOC (Kentucky Administration Office of the Courts) to integrate live streaming, media management, and video-on-demand into the judicial process.

The Kentucky AOC oversees all the courts – Supreme, Appeals, Circuit, Family and District – in 120 counties. These courts are busy places, with
sometimes up to 50 cases in a day.
Recording all audio and video of each of 463 courtrooms, every day, makes the KAOC judicial system the largest video production company in Kentucky tristate area (Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky).
The court system is currently transitioning from DVDs to e-court, with recordings available on-demand, through the DiscoverVideo DEVOS platform, expediting the appellate case process.
TV monitors have been turned into digital signage and private IPTV with DiscoverVideo SignSticks®. They show the court docket in real time and custom signage with instructions for self-representation.
QR codes link to video instructions for self-representation. QR codes help give also access to upload digital evidence, and allow anyone to view proceedings on-demand from any device or location.
A Unified Video System for a Unified Court System Delivers Efficiency of Scale
Digital file accessibility is just one of the many challenges that the DEVOS streaming platform solved for Kentucky’s court system.
- Deploys a singular platform that can stream live video of court sessions inside and outside each of the 463 courtrooms on all desktop and mobile devices. Previously, a live stream was only available to the wider public on KET, a PBS TV station.
- Provides video-on-demand for recorded cases available with a password or QR code for viewing on any device.
- Instructs laypeople with video about court protocol, what to expect from the process, and how to present their case.
- Securely transfers recordings, emails and texts from a smart phone or digital device for those without legal representation into evidence and into the court recording.
- Broadcasts a court’s docket in real time via digital signage.
- Easily changes the display and support a variety of media files for announcements and resource information.
- Delivers live video to and from locations where TV coax cable is not available.
- Distributes live and recorded HD video over a court building’s existing wired and wireless Ethernet network and not affect the IP connection to the Internet.
Why Kentucky Courts Chose to Digitize with DEVOS and DiscoverVideo
Paul Culbertson
“Bringing video to our court system has been very helpful in solving problems and communicating. DEVOS makes it incredibly easy. DiscoverVideo has worked with us to develop a platform that allows us the flexibility for our specific uses. They truly listen to their customers to make the program better. DEVOS is a great product that fits with what the court system needs.”
AV architect for Kentucky Administration Office of the Courts
About Discover Video, LLC
Discover Video is a leading software, hardware, and services provider of end-to-end turnkey streaming solutions, for broadcasting and delivering live and on-demand video, presentations, and digital signage to employees, students, or the general public. Their clients include large and small enterprises in educational institutions, schools, corporations, and governments. DiscoverVideo products and services provide a complete enterprise streaming ecosystem.