Your Own Private Stream
Easily and economically integrate live streaming and on-demand video
Are you leery of popular streaming services for broadcasting privileged and proprietary information?
Consider private, secure, and reliable streaming with DiscoverVideo. The DEVOS platform was designed for organizations like yours to reach staff and customers easily and economically.
With white glove support, HD quality, and low latency, DiscoverVideo has the end-to-end streaming services you need.
Private, Secure & Reliable Enterprise Streaming
CEO Webcasts and Live Video Broadcasting
Use DEVOS to capture and stream video live on the local network – and to remote employees simultaneously.
- Maintain control of the content
- Securely send high quality video
- Low latency

StreamPump® Stream Replicator
Broadcast a message to all your branch offices simultaneously, while maintaining video quality and timing with StreamPump®.
Send one stream from the cloud or HQ server, which then sends to branch offices and devices, preventing bandwidth bottlenecks.
- Fully automatic
- Saves bandwidth
- Makes it possible or everyone in an office to view HD video
- Supports desktop and mobile viewers
- Caching Server for VoD
On Demand Video Content
Store video content on the DEVOS server for easy access to CEO Webcasts, Employee Training materials and more, with or without login.
- All video on DEVOS can be automatically closed captioned, ADA compliant and searchable to locate key video segments.
- Organize content by channels.
- Track and analyze viewing statistics.

Employee On-boarding and Compliance
Bring new employees up to speed with lessons you create as video, audio, or text based courses.
Inline questions embedded into videos allow you to measure comprehension and meet compliance requirements.
Private IPTV
Stream live TV to any computer, mobile device, or TV within your organization.
An optional TV program guide allows users to select specific content to watch. They can also record it to the DEVOS video on demand server.

Unlimited Digital Signage
Every DEVOS on-premises or cloud system includes unlimited digital signage.
Provide multimedia information to company visitors or deliver company news to TVs in lobbies, cafeterias, and work areas. Every sign can have unique content with different sign creators.
Priority Alert
Priority Alert is used for emergencies, and for live “Executive Broadcast” and “Breaking News”
Display live or VoD videos, web pages, and messages on one, some, or all desktops and signage displays for any purpose.

Venue Presentation Screen Mirroring
Have you ever been in a presentation where you struggled to see the screen?
Venue makes it easy for the presenter to share their slide deck or desktop without using a network connection. Every attendee can view the presentation on their mobile device.
Streaming Video for Simultaneous Engagement
Need some streaming video expertise?
Drop a line to request more information or schedule an appointment.