Rich Mavrogeanes is the President/CEO of DiscoverVideo. The Brains of our operation, Rich is an established leader in the communication and technology industry, making waves for more than 40 years.

Closed Captioning Translations Added to DEVOS

Closed Caption Languages Added to DEVOS

DiscoverVideo Announces Translation Capability for Closed Captioning July 5, Wallingford CT — DiscoverVideo announces the capability of the DEVOS Enterprise Video System to support closed captions in multiple languages. When alternate language captions are added, the viewer may select the desired closed caption language. Uploaded Video Text Tracks of (VTT files) in English, Spanish, French,…

Adjustable Bit Rate with DEVOS EVS

Adaptive Bit Rate Added to DEVOS

DiscoverVideo Announces Adaptive Bit Rate for DEVOS Enterprise Video Software WALLINGFORD, CT – Streaming solutions company, DiscoverVideo, recently added adaptive bit rate streaming (ABR) to DEVOS, it’s signature enterprise video management platform. Adaptive Bit Rate automatically adapts a received stream to current network conditions, delivering at a low, medium, or higher rate, depending on the…